MultiTexter Bulk SMS allows you to easily send free and premium bulk SMS in Nigeria and Africa to numbers on your phone. MultiTexter SMS provides Bulk SMS services to Individuals, Corporate Organizations, Churches, NGOs for events purposes. Send Bulk SMS or Text Messages to Nigerian and African Numbers. Especially to MTN, Glo, Airtel, Etisalat, Visafone Networks, etc for ridiculously low prices.
**Easy to use.
**Pay online to buy credits
**Send to phones in Nigeria and Abroad
**Get free units on sign up.
For more info send an e-mail to or Call +234-1-4539791, +234(0)818 578 4118
MultiTexter短信群发,您可以轻松地发送免费及收费群发短信在尼日利亚和非洲的数字您的手机上。 MultiTexter短信给个人,企业组织,教会,非政府组织的活动目的,提供短信群发服务。批量发送短信或短信给尼日利亚和非洲数。尤其是MTN,格洛,Airtel公司,阿联酋电信,Visafone网络等的价格低得离谱。
欲了解更多信息发送电子邮件至support@multitexter.com或致电+ 234-1-4539791,+234(0)818 578 4118